— July 14, 2021
Backend Software Engineer Wanted for our Startup Studio

👉 Click here for the English version 👈

✅ Si tu kiffes tout ce qui touche à la Tech

✅ Si tu es du genre à automatiser les tâches qui te saoulent

✅ Si tu penses que la Tech nous donne le pouvoir d'améliorer le quotidien de millions de personnes chaque jour

👉 Alors voici une opportunité qui devrait techsiter 🙄🔥

Après avoir passé 6 ans à mettre au point notre "machine à startups" en créant 4 startups from scratch et en mettant nos compétences à disposition de 300+ startups, nous sommes sur la bonne voie pour réaliser notre prochain objectif : créer 10 startups en 🇧🇪 et 10 aux 🇺🇸 en 2021.

Et pour y arriver, nous cherchons 3 Backend Software Engineers suffisamment 🤪 que pour nous rejoindre dans cette aventure ambitieuse, certes, mais vraiment stylée 💪

Le projet

En réalité, il ne s'agit pas de rejoindre un projet mais bien que tu puisses utiliser ton talent pour  pour contribuer à la création et au développement d'une multitude de nouvelles startups chaque année. Et elles ont toutes les 2 points communs suivants :

💾 Elles sont tech : SaaS, app, plateformes, e-commerce.

🤯 Elles sont développés pour résoudre des problèmes ressentis par un grand nombre de personnes à travers le monde.

Chaque ligne de code que tu rédiges aura donc un impact direct sur l'écosystème pour lequel le produit est conçu.

À propos de nous

Nous, c’est Make it Studio. Un "startup studio" basé à Bruxelles et en Californie.

Notre quotidien : créer et faire grandir des startups tech ☄️

Concrètement, on investi des ressources financières et les compétences de notre équipe dans des projets tech et ce, dès le stade de l’idée. Et ces idées, elles naissent en interne ou sont soumises par des entrepreneurs audacieux qui souhaitent rejoindre l'équivalent d'une écurie de Formule 1 de compet' pour créer leur startup 💪

Pourquoi nous rejoindre

Notre mindset se trouve dans notre nom : MAKE IT 👊

Tous les matins, nous nous levons avec l'objectif d'avoir un impact sur le monde. Attention, on a pas (encore 🤫) la prétention de vouloir changer le monde. Mais bien d'impacter positivement le quotidien d'un grand nombre de personnes dans les écosystèmes dans lesquels nous sommes actifs.

Pas en lisant des livres, pas en brainstormant, ni en faisant de beaux discours : On se retrousse les manches et get sh*t done.

Et pour cela, nous avons besoin de ton aide. Pas seulement pour atteindre nos objectifs mais également pour contribuer à rendre notre équipe encore meilleure 🙌

Ce que nous cherchons

Make it, c'est comme une plaine de jeu. Pas celle que tu imagines avec plein de mioches qui courent partout et qui n'arrêtent pas de crier 😅

Mais plutôt comme l'endroit où tu expérimentes tous les jours de nouvelles choses, où tu relèves des défis de plus en plus ambitieux avec ta bande de copains, où tu grandis et où tu te crées des souvenirs (souvent épiques, parfois qui piquent 😁).

Et voici le genre de copains/copines qu'on aimerait avoir dans notre bande 🤙

(On a écrit cette partie en Anglais car ça fait partie des compétences qu'on recherche et aussi parce qu'en Français c'est vraiment moche.)

Ton profil

  • You are Backend Software Engineer, obviously 🤷‍♂️
  • You really like automation, SaaS and making tech solutions scalable.
  • You are hungry and like to challenge yourself on a daily basis.
  • You have degree in Computer Science, Engineering, an equivalence in experience or you're a self-made coder.
  • Ideally, you have 3+ years of relevant working experience (being a professional curler doesn't count here, sadly 🥌).
  • You are knowledgeable about web technologies (REST, JSON, GRAPHQL). You have proficient knowledge of Node.js backend technologies.
  • You’re a master of automated testing: unit and integration with technologies such as Jest or Mocha.js.
  • You have proficient knowledge of NoSQL databases. MongoDB experience is a must. You have working experience with Gitlab CI/CD and AWS.
  • Introvert or extrovert, we don't care. We'll love you for who you are - that's one thing that makes our team epic ❤️
  • You have working experience in English: We don't expect you to have a Hollywood star-like accent but you can communicate in an English-speaking professional environment.
  • You can't contain yourself from smiling when you hear a bad joke that is actually hilarious 😁

Ton rôle

As a Backend Software Engineer, you will be contributing to making Make it's entire software ecosystem better, more user-friendly and scalable.

Some of the tasks you'll be responsible for:

  • You will help implement new features and fix issues encountered in our products.
  • You will closely interact with the development team to communicate obstacles and propose solutions to this as well as other challenges that we are facing.
  • You will strive everyday to become an owner of the solutions and look at implementations widely and not only from a code perspective.
  • You will work closely with product designers and quality assurance engineers.

Le deal

Tu l'auras compris, en rejoignant Make it, tu ne rejoins pas directement une entreprise ou une startup mais bien une "machine à startups" ☄️

Tu partageras donc tes connaissances tech avec l'équipe afin de la rendre meilleure et inversement. Ensemble, vous explorerez plein d'outils qui nous permettront de résoudre de nouveaux problèmes chaque année.

Au-delà de l'aspect Tech, tu auras également l'occasion d'être impliqué sur l'ensemble des aspects business des projets sur lesquels tu vas collaborer : validation d'hypothèses, acquisition de clients, levées de fonds... 👊

Bref, tu vivras le "startup game" de l'intérieur en bossant non seulement sur des projets 🇧🇪 mais également sur des projets 🇺🇸

Par la suite, 2 perspectives d’évolution hyper intéressantes se présenteront à toi :

  • Rejoindre l’une des startups de notre portfolio en tant que co-fondateur technique (CTO).
  • Devenir un des piliers de l’équipe interne au startup studio.

Dans tous les cas, tu auras accès à un salaire compétitif, une participation au capital ainsi qu’a plein de chouettes opportunités 🙌


Emballé.e par l'idée de rejoindre Make it ? Alors envoie un petit mail à avec un CV et un lien vers ton profil LinkedIn 💪


*** English version 👇***

Backend Software Engineer Wanted for our Startup Studio

✅ If you love tech related stuff

✅ If you're the kind of person who automates boring tasks

✅ If you think Tech gives us the power to improve the lives of millions of people every day

👉 Then here's an opportunity that should techsite you 🙄🔥

After spending 6 years building our "startup machine" by creating 4 startups from scratch and providing our expertise to 300+ startups, we're on track to achieve our next goal: building 10 startups in 🇧🇪 and 10 in 🇺🇸 for 2021.

And to make it happen, we're looking for 3 Backend Software Engineers who are crazy enough to join us in this ambitious, yet really cool journey 💪

The Project

Actually, it's not about joining a project but rather about using your skills to contribute to the development of a bunch of new startups every year. And they all have the 2 following things in common:

💾 They are tech: SaaS, apps, platforms, e-commerce.

🤯 They are developed to solve real problems felt by a large number of people around the world.

That means every line of code you write will have a direct impact on the ecosystem our products are designed for.

About Us

We are Make it Studio. A startup studio based in Brussels and California.

Our everyday job: creating and growing tech startups ☄️

We invest financial and human resources in tech startups right from the idea stage. And these ideas are either initiated in-house or pitched by audacious entrepreneurs who want to join a Formula 1 racing team to build their startup 💪

Why You Should Join Us

Our mindset is in our name: MAKE IT 👊

Every morning, we wake up with the purpose of having an impact on the world. We don't claim (yet 🤫) that we will change the world. But rather to have a positive impact on the daily lives of a large number of people in the ecosystems we are active in.

Not by reading books, brainstorming, or giving nice talks - we roll up our sleeves and get sh*t done.

And to make that happen, we need you. Not only to reach our milestones but also to make our team even better 🙌

What We Are Looking For

Make it is like a playground. Not the one you imagine with kids running all over the place and yelling like crazy 😅

But rather as the place where you experiment with new things every day, where you take on increasingly ambitious challenges with your crew, where you grow up and make memories (often epic, sometimes hectic 😁).

And these are the kind of folks we'd like to have in our band 🤙

Your Profile

  • You are Backend Software Engineer, obviously 🤷‍♂️
  • You really like automation, SaaS and making tech solutions scalable.
  • You are hungry and like to challenge yourself on a daily basis.
  • You have degree in Computer Science, Engineering, an equivalence in experience or you're a self-made coder.
  • Ideally, you have 3+ years of relevant working experience (being a professional curler doesn't count here, sadly 🥌).
  • You are knowledgeable about web technologies (REST, JSON, GRAPHQL).
  • You have proficient knowledge of Node.js backend technologies.
  • You’re a master of automated testing: unit and integration with technologies such as Jest or Mocha.js.
  • You have proficient knowledge of NoSQL databases. MongoDB experience is a must.
  • You have working experience with Gitlab CI/CD and AWS.
  • Introvert or extrovert, we don't care. We'll love you for who you are - that's one thing that makes our team epic ❤️
  • You have working experience in English: We don't expect you to have a Hollywood star-like accent but you can communicate in an English-speaking professional environment.
  • You can't contain yourself from smiling when you hear a bad joke that is actually hilarious 😁

Your Role

As a Backend Software Engineer, you will be contributing to making Make it's entire software ecosystem better, more user-friendly and scalable.

Some of the tasks you'll be responsible for:

  • You will help implement new features and fix issues encountered in our products.
  • You will closely interact with the development team to communicate obstacles and propose solutions to this as well as other challenges that we are facing.
  • You will strive everyday to become an owner of the solutions and look at implementations widely and not only from a code perspective.
  • You will work closely with product designers and quality assurance engineers.

The Deal

As you may have realized, joining Make it is not like joining a company or a startup but rather a "startup machine" ☄️

So you'll share your tech knowledge with the team to make it better and vice versa. Together, you'll explore lots of new things that will help us solve new problems every year.

In addition to Tech, you will also have the opportunity to be involved in business-related aspects of the projects you will be working on: validation, customer acquisition, fundraising... 👊

In short, you will live the "startup game" from the inside by working not only on 🇧🇪projects but also on 🇺🇸 projects.

There will be 2 very interesting growth opportunities for you:

  • Join one of our portfolio companies as a technical co-founder (CTO).
  • Become one of the core members of the startup studio's internal team.

In either case, you'll have access to a competitive salary, equity stake and lots of great opportunities 🙌


Excited about joining Make it? Then send an email to with a CV and a link to your LinkedIn profile 💪


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